Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What a curious tale - and cautious support for the OSH Outline Development Plan!

I discovered this sign outside the Old Swanbourne Hospital on a recent walk.  It is on the land designated as public open space around the heritage listed buildings  and was placed by City of Nedlands. 
 The sign advises that the proposed outline development plan is available for inspection online and at the Mount Claremont library and the Administrative Centre.  There was also an open day today (16 March) at the Mt Claremont Community Centre which I hope some Mt Claremont People had time to go to ( I am in Sydney at the moment so wasn't able to attend).

If you go online to the City of Nedlands website, you can download the Outline Development Plan approved by the WA Planning Commission in February 2011 for advertising by the City. 

You can also download some other very interesting documents, including the submission by the City of Nedlands to the Heritage Council of WA - in response the the proposal by the Heritage Council of WA to remove the City of Nedlands from planning control over the Old Swanbourne Hospital site.  The submission is worth a read - it demonstrates clearly that the Heritage Council has pretty flimsy grounds for seeking to transfer planning control to the WA Planning Commission.

Another interesting read is the Council Resolution  in August 2010 approving the owner's proposed Outline Development Plan (ODP) in principle, subject to some amendments that were recommended to bring the  ODP back closer to the community agreed plan developed in 2006. The Council then sought permission from the WA Planning Commission to advertise the ODP for community comment.

You can't help wondering what was going on at the WA Planning Commission between August 2010 and its decision in February 2011 to finally approve the ODP for comment (5 months).  Perhaps the Commission was simply bogged down in it's work and has only just gotten around to considering this matter?

Anyway, Mt Claremont People are being asked for comment on the revised ODP, with submissions due to the City of Nedlands by 5pm on 29th March, 2011.  I made the time tonight to sit down and read through the revised ODP carefully, to make up my own mind.

Let's have a refresher on the plan we all agreed on in 2005 (double click on the image and it will get bigger):

 The 2011 revised ODP approved for advertising by the WA Planning Commission  contains the following plan (the 2010 is a typo - I think it should read 2011):

 You can see that the two plans are now getting closer - which is good news. 

In my post of 8th March, I suggested we needed to watch out for the following things:

Higher buildings than approved (the SAT rejected a tall structure out of context with the heritage buildings)
My Comment: It appears that the new buildings will be limited to 10 meters in height from the level of the ground in the central courtyard.  This is less impact than earlier proposals - SO SEEMS ACCEPTABLE.

Less Public Open Space (we wanted maximum public open space) 

My Comment:  The revised plan introduces the concept of "Private Open Space" in the area overlooking John XXIII school - but with public access through it.  I'M NOT SURE - We will need to watch for the devil in the detail here!  Total Public Open Space is 10% of the area which is just adequate. 

Access from St John's Wood Boulevard (we wanted access from Heritage Lane).

My Comment:  The ODP is clear in saying Heritage Lane is to be retained as principle means of access for vehicular access (page 38).  This aspect is critical to residents of St John's Wood Boulevard - so it appears the owner has dropped plans for an entry statement from the Boulevard - great news!  See my post of January 12 2011 .

Gated community (we wanted open access around the heritage buildings)

My Comment:  Again - I am a little bothered by the concept of "Private Open Space".  

Greater plot density (we wanted density similar to the surrounding Mt Claremont subdivision)

My Comment:  It seems that density is now more consistent with the 2005 community agreed plan.


My conclusion is that the revised ODP is an acceptable outcome.  However I believe the best outcome is that expressed by the City of Nedlands in their Council Resolution of August 2010, when they approved the owner's draft ODP subject to some amendments, which were designed to bring the plan back closer to the Community Agreed Plan of 2005.  So I have made my submission to the Council supporting their August 2010 Resolution.

This is what I said:

The proposed outline development plan approved for Advertising by the WA Planning Commission on 8th February 2011 is closer to the Taylor Burrell Barnett Plan of 2005 than previous plans submitted by the current owner, and in this respect this is a positive outcome.

However, the Taylor Burrell Barnett Plan of 2005 was developed after a very well run community consultation process
and best reflects the wishes of the Mt Mount Claremont community.

It remains my preference that the concepts developed in this plan, and subsequently incorporated into  the City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2
(and specifically  Local Planning Policy:  Old Swanbourne Hospital Conservation Precinct) are implemented.

I urge the City of Nedlands to remain consistent with their Resolution passed by full Council on 24 August 2010, which is copied below, and carried important
amendments which have not been incorporated into the current Outline Development Plan approved for advertising by the WA Planning Commission on 8 February 2011:

1.    in principle supports the proposed Outline Development
Plan submitted on 21 May 2010 for referral and statutory
advertising only, subject to the following conditions:
a)    changes to the text as shown in the marked up
document    attached    an    Annexure    3    being
incorporated into the document; and
b)    that changes as shown on the plan entitled Outline
Development Plan 706-143 ST1F 06.05.2010.dwg
being incorporated into the document;
2.    refers the marked up document showing changes to the
text and map to the proposal submitted on 21 May 2010 to
the WAPC for consent to advertise; and
3.    refers the proposed ODP City’s marked up document and a
copy of the original to the Heritage Council for information
and comment
I also wish to commend the City of Nedlands for seeking to maintain a planning framework for the Old Swanbourne Hospital that is consistent with the principles established during the community consultation during the years 2003 to 2005, not withstanding the delays caused
by the owner's appeal processes in recent years.

Please make sure you get your submission to Council by the closing date of 28th March.

And in the meantime, we could still see the Minister for Heritage accept a recommendation from the Heritage Council of WA to suspend the City of Nedlands planning powers over the Swanbourne Hospital Conservation Precinct and pass them to the WA Planning Commission.  If he made this decision it would over ride the current community consultation process about the revised ODP and planning for the site would be totally in the hands of the bureaucrats of the WA Planning Commission.

So stay alert and keep lobbying your local councilor and Member of Parliament while we wait for the Heritage Council of WA to make it's recommendation to the Minister.

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