Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Someone dropped this document into my letter box earlier this year.  The plan is dated 27 January 2010 and shows a revised Outline Development Plan Proposal for the Old Swanbourne Hospital.  You can download the file from the link on the sidebar.

It completely overturns the wishes of the residents regarding road access to the Old Swanbourne Hospital.  A clear feature of the community agreed plan in 2005 (which was then approved by the Heritage Council of WA and incorporated into the City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2) was that all road access (other than service vehicles to Montgomery Hall) was to be via Heritage Lane.

The plan copied above shows an Entrance Statement from St John's Wood Boulevard, and that the vehicle access from Heritage Lane "to be controlled".

If the WA Planning Commission is granted planning control over the road access arrangements to Old Swanbourne Hospital, there will be no obligation at all for them to respect residents wishes regarding traffic access arrangements.

Please write to the Heritage Council of WA objecting to the planning control over the Old Swanbourne Hospital being removed from the City of Nedlands and granted to the WA Planning Commission as proposed in the Ministerial Order Proposed by the Heritage Council of WA. You need to get your letter to them by February 18.

Write to:

The Executive Director,
Office of Heritage,
PO Box 6201,
East Perth  WA 6892

David Thomas

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