Tuesday, March 8, 2011

City of Nedlands Outlines the Facts - and another tight deadline!

The residents of Mount Claremont received this letter from the City of Nedlands Mayor  Sheryl Froese a few days ago.

This is the first page:

and this is the second page:

Some readers may remember an earlier post on January 14 when I speculated about a Plan A or Plan B strategy.

Plan A:  Under the Heritage Council of WA's Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990, The Minister transfers planning authority to the Western Australian Planning Commission and the owner agrees on a development strategy with the pubic servants working for the Commission.  No more need for time consuming and frustrating public consultation!   

Or the fallback:

Plan B:  The Western Australian Planning Commission approves the revised ODP, the Nedlands City Council advertises it for comment, and people of Mount Claremont have the opportunity for input.   Nedlands City Council remains the planning authority, under the watchful eye of the Planning Commission.

So - from reading the Mayor's letter, it seems we now see Plan B swinging into action!

Despite being caught in a pincer movement between:

a) the Heritage Council of WA and its proposal to suspend the Town Planning Scheme No 2 as it applies to the Old Swanbourne Hospital on the one hand - 


b) the WA Planning Commission's tactical timing  in approving the advertising of the revised ODP for the Old Swanbourne Hospital on the other hand (just after the public submission period closed for the Heritage Council's proposal) ;

 - the Council is doggedly continuing in it's efforts to preserve the intent and wishes of Mt Claremont people about the development framework that should apply to the Swanbourne Hospital Conservation Area. 

What to do now?

While we wait for the Minister for Heritage to receive recommendations from the Heritage Council of WA following the analysis of the public submissions, please make sure that you have a look at the Outline Development Plan (ODP) for the Old Swanbourne Hospital approved by the WA Planning Commission - which will be advertised for public comment back to the City of Nedlands for only 21 days - from Tuesday 8th March to Tuesday 29th March.

The proposed ODP is available for viewing at the City of Nedlands administrative office at 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, at the City's libraries and online at nedlands.wa.gov.au .

In her letter copied above, Mayor Froese warns us that the proposed ODP approved for advertising by the WA Planning Commission contains plans that "are significantly different to the city's proposed development plans" - which are based on the original community consultation.

Look out for:

Higher buildings than approved (the SAT rejected a tall structure out of context with the heritage buildings)
Less Public Open Space (we wanted maximum public open space)
Access from St John's Wood Boulevard (we wanted access from Heritage Lane)
Gated community (we wanted open access around the heritage buildings)
Great plot density (we wanted density similar to the surrounding Mt Claremont subdivision)

After you have had a look at the proposed ODP - make sure that you let City of Nedlands know what your views are by the closing date of 29th March.  

As requested in the Mayor's letter, either write to the City of Nedlands:

The Chief Executive Officer
City of Nedlands
PO Box 9,
Nedlands  WA   6009


ring the City of Nedlands Planning Services on 9273 3500


send an email to:  council@nedlands.wa.gov.au

The City of Nedlands needs your input and support and individual councillors need to know that people are interested and watching this process.  

Over to you.

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